Fast-Track Your Insurance Career With These Tips From Argo Group Leaders

Read highlights from a Spencer Educational Foundation webinar featuring rising leaders at Argo Group.

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In a recent webinar from the Spencer Educational Foundation, four Argo employees shared how young insurance professionals can find the wisdom and support they need to succeed – and how Argo Group has helped them do just that.  

  • Find a mentor who believes in your potential – and will challenge you to achieve it. Danielle Sheridan, AVP Construction, says she found a mentor who challenged her early on. “I was really clear I wanted to move quickly, and she helped me push through it.” Tirzah Bartley, AVP Underwriting, had a similar experience early in her career. “I worked closely with mentors across the company,” she says. All panelists agreed that gaining the wisdom of experienced colleagues is essential for young professionals. 
  • Be eager to learn and relentlessly pursue opportunities. Jackie Schuler, Senior Business Analyst, says, “When hiring, I look for someone who is a go-getter and willing to take initiative – someone I can give a task and they run with it.” That tenacity applies to areas where you still need to grow – and being honest about your ignorance is the first step. “If you’re honest about where you need to learn, your manager will know how to support you,” says Jennifer Mendez, Director, Digital Marketing Communications. 
  • Work for an organization that fosters connection and mentorship. Sheridan appreciates Argo Group’s commitment to fostering employee relationships with seasoned colleagues. “Through executive round tables and lunch and learns with executives, I can learn a little bit more about what’s going on in our company. There is also a company-wide coffee chat program where you can meet with people outside your department just to understand the company.”

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