Brexit Transfer Instructions

Part 7 Processes

Lloyd’s is proposing to transfer certain EEA insurance policies to Lloyd’s Brussels. The proposed transfer will not change terms and conditions of any policy, except that Lloyd’s Brussels will become the insurer and Data Controller in respect of the transferred policies.

Further information about the proposal (including whether it could affect your pre-transfer position), which policies are transferring, your rights and what you need to do can be found at

Office Locations

90 Pitts Bay Road
Pembroke, HM 08

Phone: 441-296-5858
Fax: 441-296-6162

Level 5, Office 3
Gate Village Building 8
Dubai International Financial Centre
P.O. Box 482067
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Phone: +971 4 389 4000
Fax: +971 4 389 4010

Avenue Marcel Thiry
79 BTE 3
Belgium 1200

Phone: +32 2 777 09 09
Fax: +32 2 777 09 00

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