Greenhouse Gas Emissions

To understand our risks and opportunities and to monitor and report on our climate change impact, Argo Group completed a greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory using ISO 14064-1 and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. The standard provided guidance on quantifying and reporting our GHG inventory. In designing and developing our GHG inventory, organizational and reporting boundaries were established.

During 2022, we continued our policy of disclosing our greenhouse gas emissions for scope 1, 2, and 3 inventories against ISO 14064-1. We have achieved our GHG reduction targets for 2022 and we have restated our 2021 results. Our future targets for GHG reduction will need to be reassessed to be in line with our business.

Full details of GHG data inventory can be found in our 2023 ESG Report.

2022 and 2021 GHG Reduction Targets*


*From our 2019 base year, these reduction targets are quoted as emission rates measured in metric tonnes of carbon dioxide per dollar of gross written premium.

Water Management and Sustainability

Despite water’s abundance, only a fraction of it is usable for our daily needs. Therefore, water management is crucial to sustainable development.

To better understand our impact and to improve our water usage, we employed ISO 14046 guidance to formulate an assessment technique that we can use consistently throughout our international offices. Compiling our Non-comprehensive Water Footprint Report gave insight into opportunities for improvements.

Argo Group GHG Methodology (PDF)

Non-Comprehensive Water Footprint Report (PDF)

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